Subject Review

Here’s a list of my past subjects, full summaries about them and whether you should try them out too. Each subject is rated with Difficulty, Time Commitment, Enjoyability, and my mark in the course.

  1. Difficulty refers to my personal experience in terms of how technically challenging the subject was. The main contributing factors for this category include assignment and lab difficulty, course expectations for students, depth of content explored etc.
  2. Time Commitment scores up to 7 refer specifically to the approximate number of weekly hours I spent on the subject on average. Time Commitment scores above 7 would have taken me between 8-15 hours a week linearly distributed on that range.
  3. Enjoyability refers to how fun and interactive a subject was. I have made this scale very lenient and the main factors affecting this score are lecturer quality, student engagement in course content, applicability of course skills outside of university (because learning cool stuff is fun).
  4. My mark in the course is the numeric grade out of 100 that I received in the course. Note that 85+ refers to a high distinction which around 10% of students achieve in most subjects.

Each subject also has an overall challenge tag (easy, medium, hard) which is my overall opinion on how challenging a subject is taking into account every factor listed above (courses with high enjoyability will tend to have lower challenge ratings because they are more fun and I would recommend them more).

**NOTE: every course here pertains to my studies at UNSW. For courses I studied at Penn, refer to my projects on Tiny ML and Data Science.


COMP3311 - Database Systems

less than 1 minute read easy

Difficulty: 3/10 · Time Commitment: 4/10 · Enjoyability: 6/10 · Mark: 90


COMP9517 - Computer Vision

4 minute read easy

Difficulty: 2/10 · Time Commitment: 2/10 · Enjoyability: 4/10 · Mark: 94

COMP6721 - Informal Methods

4 minute read medium

Difficulty: 4/10 · Time Commitment: 6/10 · Enjoyability: 10/10 · Mark: 94


COMP3331 - Computer Networks and Applications

4 minute read medium

Difficulty: 6/10 · Time Commitment: 7/10 · Enjoyability: 4/10 · Mark: 90 Summary I did COMP3331 (Computer Networks and Applications) in Term 1 2022. The su...


MATH3411 - Information, Codes and Ciphers

3 minute read medium

Difficulty: 7/10 · Time Commitment: 6/10 · Enjoyability: 10/10 · Mark: 87 Summary I did MATH3411 (Information, Codes and Ciphers) in Term 3 2021. The subje...

COMP2521 - Data Structures and Algorithms

3 minute read easy

Difficulty: 7/10 · Time Commitment: 5/10 · Enjoyability: 7/10 · Mark: 90 Summary I did COMP2521 (Data Structures and Algorithms) in Term 3 2021. The subjec...

COMP1531 - Software Engineering Fundamentals

4 minute read medium

Difficulty: 3/10 · Time Commitment: 9/10 · Enjoyability: 4/10 · Mark: 94 Summary I did COMP1531 (Software Engineering Fundamentals) in Term 3 2021. The sub...

MATH1241 - Higher Mathematics 1B

3 minute read easy

Difficulty: 5/10 · Time Commitment: 6/10 · Enjoyability: 8/10 · Mark: 90 Summary I did MATH1241 (Higher Mathematics 1B) in Term 2 2021. The subject is a co...

MATH1081 - Discrete Mathematics

3 minute read easy

Difficulty: 3/10 · Time Commitment: 4/10 · Enjoyability: 9/10 · Mark: 91 Summary I did MATH1081 (Discrete Mathematics) in Term 2 2021. The subject is every...

COMP1521 - Computer Systems Fundamentals

3 minute read medium

Difficulty: 5/10 · Time Commitment: 5/10 · Enjoyability: 6/10 · Mark: 90 Summary I did COMP1521 (Computer Systems Fundamentals) in Term 2 2021. It introduc...

PHYS1141 - Higher Physics 1A (Special)

3 minute read hard

Difficulty: 9/10 · Time Commitment: 8/10 · Enjoyability: 5/10 · Mark: Satisfactory (Pass/Fail course) Summary I did PHYS1141 (Higher Physics 1A (Special)) ...

MATH1141 - Higher Mathematics 1A

3 minute read easy

Difficulty: 5/10 · Time Commitment: 5/10 · Enjoyability: 8/10 · Mark: 86 Summary I did MATH1141 (Higher Mathematics 1A) in Term 1 2021. The subject is has ...

COMP1511 - Programming Fundamentals

3 minute read easy

Difficulty: 3/10 · Time Commitment: 3/10 · Enjoyability: 9/10 · Mark: 90 Summary I did COMP1511 (Programming Fundamentals) in Term 1 2021. The subject is a...